Tuesday, February 19, 2013

It's about time!

 So I figured since Melanie has posted two things over the few days I should probably catch up. Maybe it will prompt Ben and Jeremy to post some new stuff, too. Also, Mom really wanted to see pictures from Christmas, which I discovered we only took a couple. Anyways, we haven't been up to much. Once School starts I don't have a lot of free time to do things like this, but I had a few minutes tonight before work so I figured I'd post some pictures. School's going good so far, just a lot of work that's very time consuming. It's getting harder to balance all my time out. Colleen's doing well, her job is moving her from the VA to the Vets home next month, so she has a lot of work to do to make that transition. Silas is good, he's full of spunk and energy and general craziness, exactly how an almost 3 year old boy should be. We went to the zoo last weekend, which is something he always loves to do. We typically do two rounds of the zoo since he can't seem to look at each animal for more than 5 seconds at a time. We break after the first round and get ice cream or something then walk around the entire zoo again. He loves it. Well, that's about it, hope everyone is doing well.

This is our friend Julie's son Orion. They had a dance party one night at our house.

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